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Sparkol VideoScribe Pro Annual plan

SKU: videoscribe-pro

Availability: Out of stock

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Sparkol VideoScribe Malaysia Reseller

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  • Sparkol VideoScribe Malaysia Reseller


Make your own whiteboard explainer video

VideoScribe is easy, quick and inexpensive. You can create a great animated video in no time!


What is VideoScribe?

VideoScribe is a user-friendly software tool for creating hand-drawn, animated explainer videos. Pictures and text are drawn

out in sequence on a virtual whiteboard for a uniquely engaging visual effect. A host of other features make it favored by

businesses, educators and millions worldwide!

Choose from thousands of images

You don't need to be an artist - images draw automatically. Bring in your own images and VideoScribe converts them to


Add music from our library or import your own

Enrich your videos by adding a layer of music to match your message. Import your own mp3 file to set the right tone.

Publish and share your video to all social networks

You can download your video locally as an mp4, wmv, mov, avi or share it directly online to YouTube, Facebook, and even export as an image sequence

The power of video


Drawn videos spark social

Bring people together with exciting ideas. Charities, non-profit, community groups - get your voice heard with VideoScribe.

Draw a video to start a conversation!


Presentation software for every business

Capture the imagination of your employees and prospects. Building your brand can be fun again, launching products

with business video tools that sell more, faster.


Education through animated

Inspire and educate your audience, from kindergarten to global thought leaders. Learn how to make an animation

video and create a lasting visual memory to boost your teaching.

Additional Information

SKU videoscribe-pro
Status Enabled