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DataPoint Enterprise, 1 year subscription


Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR4,228.00

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Regular Price: MYR4,228.00

DataPoint Enterprise  Malaysia Reseller

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  • DataPoint Enterprise  Malaysia Reseller



Create real-time connections to nearly ANY data source for automatically
updating presentations, information screens and digital signage

The Power of Visual Data

A grid or spreadsheet of numbers and data are boring to most people other than mathematicians. This is why most data is better presented as infographics, graphs or charts.

Visual content produces much higher engagement than text or numbers-only content.

Do you want to create individual customized presentations or PDF documents on the fly? Or create data-driven presentations that your colleagues can open and see the latest data coming on the slides?

One license to use the DataPoint plugin on one computer, as an extension to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365. With DataPoint you can connect your presentation to more than 25 different data providers (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, text files, CSV files, XML, JSON, Facebook, Twitter, Salesforce and so on). Once you have a data connection, then you can use text boxes, images, tables, charts and more to display real-time information.

You can use the Enterprise edition in multiple different ways:

  • A linked presentation is refreshed automatically when you open it.
  • Run the slide show and DataPoint will continue to update your data at regular intervals.
  • Give your colleagues a free unlimited Viewer edition to open and see the latest figures of a linked presentation.
  • Generate snapshot presentations for distribution of static but up-to-date presentations to your colleagues and customers.
  • Generate individual snapshot presentations or files as PowerPoint file, PDF document, as MP4 movie etc.
  • Use the command-line generator to generate snapshot presentations in batch or scripting.
  • Schedule the generation of up-to-date snapshot presentations.

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