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SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full - Project License

SKU: setapdf-formfiller-component-full-project

Availability: Out of stock

SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full

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  • SetaPDF-FormFiller Component Full


Prepopulate PDF forms with PHP

The SetaPDF-FormFiller component allows PHP developers to fill in existing PDF forms (also known as AcroForms) with dynamic data. As of version 2.5 it is also possible to fill in XFA forms.

The php component also supports access to several field properties, individual appearance creation, deletion and flattening of form fields.

Supported Field Types

  • Text fields
  • Text fields with multiple lines
  • Radio buttons
  • Check boxes
  • Scrollable list boxes
  • Scrollable list boxes with multiple options
  • Combo boxes
  • Combo boxes with an editable text box
  • Signature fields (only access to widget annotatoion and flatten function)
  • Button fields (only access to widget annotatoion and flatten function)

We offer this component in a lite version, which is limited to "Text fields" and "Text fields with multiple lines".

Additional Features

The component comes with all features of the SetaPDF-Core component, including support for encrypted PDF files if rights are granted or an owner password is known.

Project License

A project license allows the licensee to use the API/component for a certain project (intranet or internet) for an unlimited period of time. Project licenses are tied to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) on a single server or on a single virtual machine. The licensee will notify a change in the domain name without delay. The use of the API/component using the command line is not permitted due to the lack of domain context.

A project license includes a development license without time limit for the licensed API/component. This development license refers to the software versions available to the licensee in form of access to updates under the project license.

Additional Information

SKU setapdf-formfiller-component-full-project
Status Enabled