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Bluebeam Revu for Mac, Perpetual License - Electronic Download

SKU: 859463006445 1-49

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Bluebeam Revu for Mac Reseller Malaysia

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  • Bluebeam Revu for Mac Reseller Malaysia


Enhance your digital workflows with the core PDF editing, markup and collaboration capabilities of Bluebeam Revu®

A new way to operate your paperless workflows

Revu for Mac provides you with the essential tools needed to markup data across the entire project lifecycle and streamline workflow processes to increase productivity.

Key Features for Bluebeam Revu for Mac



Split your screen up to sixteen times to view different sections of a PDF simultaneously on multiple monitors, and sync tabs to pan and zoom in unison.

File Access

File Access

View a list of recently opened PDF files, pin important documents and folders, and search for local files or network drives with ease.



Redline PDFs with customizable markup tools, such as text, clouds, callouts, CAD symbols, images, stamps and more.

PDF Editing

PDF Editing

Easily extract, combine and organize PDFs with essential layout, page assembly and collation options.



Easily configure hyperlinks to open websites and network files, or jump to specific pages or snapshots within a PDF.

Overlay Pages

Overlay Pages

Pick points on two or more PDFs for comparison and assign different colors to each page so you can easily detect the differences. 

Additional Information

SKU 859463006445 1-49
Status Enabled