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Absolute PDF Server

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  • Absolute PDF Server
  • Absolute PDF Server


Absolute PDF Server 3.0

Unlimited server-side PDF creation and conversion for organizations

Investintech’s Absolute PDF Server is an enterprise-level document management solution that offers both PDF conversion and creation through a powerful, flexible and simple-to-maintain server-side process.

Absolute PDF Server Features

Create PDFs from hundreds of printable Windows file types at scale. Convert native PDFs and turn scanned (image) PDFs into editable documents with original formatting and layout retained right on your organization’s server. Unlimited conversions and users per server. No hidden future expense

Key FeatureThe Benefit
No Limits You only pay once, no hidden future expenses
Unlimited Conversions
Per Server
No tracking of the number of conversions, since it is unlimited. Your organization can create and extract as many PDFs as necessary.
Unlimited Users
Per Server
No need to worry about licensing for specific number of users. Everyone in your organization can have access to Absolute PDF Server 3.0 and therefore create and extract PDF files. As a result, the document management is streamlined organization wide.
Convert All PDFs into MS Word/MS Excel and More. Significant amount of time is saved since native PDFs and text from Scanned (image) PDFs are converted to immediately editable Word documents, formatted Excel spreadsheets and more. All of this with original formatting and layout retained.
Create PDF from ANY Printable Windows Application One solution for many different file formats. PDF creation is not limited to MS Office applications (i.e. Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Hundreds of printable Windows file types can be instantly turned into PDF files.
More Ways to Create: Great versatility at your fingertips
Monitored Folders/Sub Folders Automate PDF creation by specifying a folder for placing input files which Absolute PDF Server 3.0 will watch and pick files from in order to create PDFs.
Email Integration Great Accessibility is ensured by allowing both remote and internal users to email files for conversion to the Absolute PDF Server 3.0. The files are then processed and the result is sent back to the sender.
Job Ticket Creation Absolute PDF Server 3.0 comes with a Job Ticket Editor which is used for specifying PDF creation and extraction settings and will give you full control over the layout of the resulting files.
The ticket editor is a standalone desktop application created with an end user in mind, as a tool which will allow them to easily create and modify ticket files.
Advanced method for power users Power users can create a ticket to specify conversion instructions. This ticket is then placed into the InFolder along with the PDF files which should be converted.
In case you only put PDF files in the InFolder, the default ticket file for the chosen type of conversion will be applied.
PDF Repurposing Options
Combine multiple PDFs, split or join Automate and customize document creation with these advanced processing options.
Manage fonts and colors Choose whether or not the original fonts will be embedded, and decide if CMYK colors will be converted to RGB
Branding Add watermark text, header and footer information, page numbers, "confidential", etc.
Hyperlinks and Bookmark Support Retain hyperlink and bookmark structures created in PDF. Bookmark levels are also customizable.
PDF Security Password protect your PDFs, set the editing and printing permissions and choose the desired encryption level (40 or 128 bit) to enhance the document security.
Unicode Font Support Got a set of Unicode fonts in your document? No problem, these are easily handled.
Text Output PDF files can be transformed into Text for editing or database storage.
PDF Handling
OCR Output Convert scanned/image PDF files into text using optical character recognition (OCR) technology.
Searchable PDF Regain access to image PDF and TIFF files by transporting them into searchable PDF form.
Page/Content Scaling Vary content to fit popular paper sizes such as US Letter size and A4.
Scheduler Schedule the tasks for the server so it operates at specific times and dates. Files can be processed in middle of the night if desired.
Command Line Support Retain server option control without having to interact with the user interface.
Document Compression Settings Use the most advanced compression settings available to determine quality and size of the created PDFs.
Set PDF File Name and summary information These can be defined by either the administrator or the user.
Initial View of the PDF document Determine the initial layout of the PDF file upon opening by setting the desired magnification, specifying the starting page and showing or hiding various interface elements (menu bar, toolbars etc).
Robust Built to handle a high number of PDF conversions each hour.
A Full Suite of Benefits Get all of the above for one server license fee. No extra modules to buy or add-on later.

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