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NGINX Plus per-instance license, Premium Support - 24x7, 12 Months


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NGINX Plus per-instance license, Premium Support

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  • NGINX Plus per-instance license
  • NGINX Plus per-instance license, Premium Support


Support for NGINX Software

Getting support for NGINX software is easy, whether from the experts at NGINX or from the broad community of NGINX users and contributors. 

What Does Commercial Support Cover?

Use of NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus

The purchase of an NGINX Plus subscription covers EITHER NGINX Plus binaries OR prebuilt binary builds of NGINX Open Source obtained from nginx.org. Each individual installation of NGINX software must be covered by a separate support subscription.

Assistance with Installation and Deployment
Our team makes sure your installation always goes as smoothly as possible. With our help, you can quickly clear up installation‑related conflicts.
Debugging and Error Correction

If you experience an error, we work to reproduce it, and fix it or provide a workaround – we will respond to a raised issue, and begin investigation for critical issues, within the agreed SLA time. Fixes are incorporated into the next product update, and the QA cycle is adjusted for regression testing.

Security Notifications

Security issues are rare and unlikely, but if they happen we let you know about the implications and the solution directly, as quickly as possible.

Software Updates

New NGINX Plus builds and updated documentation are provided quarterly through the dedicated customer support portal. Open source builds are updated approximately monthly.

Documentation Discrepancies

Uncertain about something in the documentation? Or maybe something doesn’t seem right. If you have a question, we get you a precise answer within the agreed SLA time frame.

Additional Information

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