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Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters, Premium, 3 Years

SKU: RH00001F3

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters Premium Malaysia reseller

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters Premium Malaysia reseller


Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The foundation for your enterprise hybrid cloud

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® is the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform.* It’s an open source operating system (OS). It’s the foundation from which you can scale existing apps—and roll out emerging technologies—across bare-metal, virtual, container, and all types of cloud environments.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 now available

The latest release adds new developer tools, additional security certifications, and expands automation capabilities.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® for Virtual Datacenters allows for the deployment of unlimited guests in dense virtualized environments on supported hypervisors, like Red Hat Virtualization, VMware, and Microsoft HyperV.

For physical servers or for low-density virtual servers, configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.

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SKU RH00001F3
Status Enabled