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GeoStudio SEEP/W + 3D

SKU: seep-w

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  • GEOSLOPE GeoStudio
  • SEEP/W
  • SEEP/W


Groundwater flow analysis

SEEP/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP/W can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated / unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface.

Add SEEP3D to SEEP/W to analyze 3D groundwater flow using the same comprehensive set of material models and boundary conditions.

Key Features

Boundary Conditions

SEEP/W supports a range of boundary condition options. Field data or user-specified functional relationships can be inputted to define hydrographs, reservoir fluctuations, rainfall cycles, vegetation effects, or land-climate interactions. 



Integration of SEEP/W with SLOPE/W makes it possible to analyze the stability of any natural or man-made system subject to transient changes in pore-water pressure. Seamlessly combine SEEP/W and SEEP3D, to analyze 2D and 3D groundwater flow in the same project file.


Material Properties

Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric water content functions can be estimated using built-in functions. The estimation process requires only fundamental information. A saturated-only material model is also available.



The rigorous saturated/unsaturated formulation of SEEP/W means that even the most demanding flow problems, such as infiltration into dry soil or seepage through complex upstream tailings dams, can be analyzed with ease.


EEP/W models almost any groundwater problem

Seepage Through an Earth Dam

This example looks at a case of flow through an embankment dam. This case appears in most text books on seepage and consequently most SEEP/W users will have a good idea as to what the solution should look like. The example illustrates how easy it is to find the downstream seepage face when the dam is all one material.

Perched Water Table

This example demonstrates how to use SEEP/W computed pore-pressures in a SLOPE/W stability analysis. The problem creates a perched watertable under long term net infiltration of precipitation. This perched condition can only be properly handled by directly using the SEEP/W results in SLOPE/W.

3D Relief Well Spacing

A 3D seepage analysis is required to design a relief well system, for example to alleviate excess pressure developing on the landward side of water retention dams or levees. This example demonstrates how to create and evaluate well spacing using SEEP/W and SEEP3D.

Soil Cover Modeling - Hydraulic Response

This example illustrates the basic methodology for simulating soil-climate interactions and the corresponding water flows through an engineered soil cover system placed over a waste material.

Additional Information

SKU seep-w
Status Enabled