The R3D3-Rama 3D program is designed for construction engineers. It is used for static calculations and dimensioning of planar and spatial bar systems. Thanks to the convenient and clear user interface, the program can be used not only for design, but also for educational purposes.
Data are intuitively entered in the program - the system geometry can be defined using only a mouse. The program works with CAD-type applications and the ArCADia-ARCHITECTURE system. Basic function generators are available. The program contains a library of rolled and cold-formed profiles, reinforced concrete and timber elements. The program can be used for easy insertion of planar and spatial bar systems, both small systems comprising a number of bars, and large 3D structures containing hundreds of bars and nodes. Therefore, it is possible to count such construction systems as: multi-level and multi-bay frames, planar and spatial trusses, lattice towers, surface bar structures, bar grates, etc. The program makes it possible to work with dimensioning modules according to Eurocodes: EuroStal, EuroŻelbet and EuroStopa.
Features (optional):
- Static calculations for planar and spatial bar systems with constant and variable cross-sections of a bar on its length.
- The possibility for graphical setting and modification of data only on the 2D plane of the screen, including the possibility to switch between perpendicular 3D planes.
- The possibility to save and read the complete geometry of static systems (planar and spatial) to DXF files and work on a spatial trace from a DXF file.
- The function to read and work on a trace from a DXF file.
- The function to transform system bars into a trace.
- The possibility to read roof traces from the ArCADia system and automatic generation of roof slope structures.
- The possibility of precise definition of relative coordinates from the keyboard in the Cartesian and polar system.
- The possibility to include tooltips displayed next to the cursor for graphic operations.
- The possibility to switch between the perspective and orthogonal projection.
- The zooming and panning of the system and its free rotation in real time.
- The possibility to draw bar systems using polylines with fixed or mobile nodes.
- Advanced tracking mode when introducing new elements into the system.
- The tools are modelled on CAD applications using snapping to existing nodes, centre points on bars, perpendicular and near points on bars, bar intersection points, loading points and points of the defined grid, including tracking elements.
- The possibility to add elements in the new "ortho" mode in one of the main planes as well as in spatial mode.
- The possibility to switch on the 2D preview of an inserted bar in the planar and spatial element insertion mode.
- The possibility to lock the graphic screen in any setting of the system being edited.
- The possibility to modify nodes, supports, bars and loads in groups.
- The possibility to edit the system elements from the project tree level.
- Input data editing tools based on CAD applications, such as: copying, multiple copying in the direction of a set vector (with or without snapping and with or without scaling), offsetting, moving, lengthening, removal of bars and nodes, rotation, mirroring, alignment of nodes, undoing and restoring of changes.
- The possibility to stiffen any groups of bars in a node, as well as bars and supports.
- The possibility to group bars and easily select bar groups.
- The possibility to select bars in any chosen plane.
- The possibility to divide a bar between nodes into sections and maintain its load.
- The possibility to merge collinear bars and maintain their loads.
- The possibility to copy a partial or entire system through the clipboard between different designs and within a single design.
- The possibility to set, rotate and change the direction of the local system of a bar.
- The function to measure the length and angle between any two bars of the system in a design.
- A bar profile manager including a defined library of steel, reinforced concrete and timber profiles and the possibility to extend the library with user profiles and insert profiles into any given design.
- The possibility to create bar cross-sections in any shape, cut single cross-sections, copy, rotate and move the components of a complex cross-section.
- The possibility to automatically align the main axes of the local system of a bar.
- The possibility to read the cross-section geometry of a bar from a DXF file.
- The automatic calculation of all possible properties of a cross-section in the local and main axes system, including the determination of a cross-section core.
- The possibility to define and calculate bars of a variable geometry.
- The determination of static moments of any section of abscissa of a cross-section in the main axes system.
- Libraries of pre-defined material parameters in an XML file, containing: steel, solid and glue-laminated timber, aluminium, concrete and the possibility to save and edit user materials.
- The possibility to create composite systems in terms of materials.
- Loads: concentrated forces, concentrated moments, continuous loads, continuous moments, bar overheating, temperature difference, nodal concentrated forces, support settlement, support rotations.
- Loads set in groups of constant and variable load (single and multi loads), including the possibility to specify load coefficients.
- The possibility to set individual groups of loads as active or inactive (not considered during calculations), visible and invisible.
- The possibility to edit bar and node loads in groups.
- The possibility to set and edit surface uniform and trapezoidal loads and the distribution of surface loads into bar and node loads.
- The identification of duplicate loads, including the possibility to remove or merge duplicates.
- The possibility to set, calculate and visualise the results for defined groups of mobile loads.
- The possibility to specify the mutual relationships between load groups used to build an envelope, including automatic verification of their correctness.
- The possibility to set additional user combinations.
- The possibility to enable and disable the activity of defined combinations.
- The possibility to create and save system user views in a design.
- The possibility to insert dimensions to a design: vertical, horizontal and parallel.
- The automatic consideration of specific weight.
- A complete set of support types, including the possibility to define their elasticity.
- Parametric structure generators: spatial rectangular frames, arches (parabolic and circular), two-dimensional trusses, timber roof rafters, lattice towers and geodetic coverings.
- The possibility to define tendon-type bars and perform static calculations for systems containing tendons for individual groups of loads and defined combinations.
- The possibility to generate bars on the eccentricity in the system (single- or double-sided) with a bar axis offset in parallel.
- The possibility to select groups of bars, dimensioning elements and loads directly from the project tree level.
- The possibility to filter and select individual project object types, once filter parameters have been set.
- The possibility to clean and verify a created design model.
- Results for individual load groups, any combination of load groups and a defined combination, and the envelop automatically calculated by the program.
- The function to store the results of the latest static calculations and cumulative dimensioning of the system.
- The possibility to perform static calculations according to the second order theory.
- The possibility to visualise directions and values of support reactions.
- Separate rules for the definition of groups and interactions, and automatic construction of combinatorics for static calculations according to the PN-EN Eurocodes.
- The determination of a complete envelope of normal stresses and calculation of normal stresses for individual groups and the total of load, combination and envelop groups.
- The possibility to visualise a static diagram that forms the indicated extreme of an envelope.
- The determination of a normal, tangent and reduced stress curve in any point of a bar cross-section.
- Locating the maximum reduced stress in the cross-section of a bar.
- A quick preview of the structure in the 3D view allowing the selection of bars with exceeded permissible normal stresses.
- The possibility to visualise the results of internal forces, reactions, deformations and normal stresses on the monitor screen (for the entire system and a single bar).
- The function to display and conceal values of internal forces, stresses and displacements on global diagrams, on the graphic screens for extreme values and user points selected in the Results tab.
- The function to create an RTF report from the graphic screen view of the system, including diagrams of internal forces, stresses and displacements or collective dimensioning results in the Results and Dimensioning tab.
- The possibility to conceal a section of the design structure at the data edition and result viewing stage.
- The visualisation of a system deformation – a real time animation.
- The creation of a variety of reports containing tabular and graphic results in the RTF format.
- The possibility to set any range and form of the report (fonts, frames, etc.).
- Concise form of the reports.
- A wide range of possibilities to modify the interface, program and project settings, as well as data and results presentation.
- The possibility to switch the language version of the program (Polish, English, German) during the course of the program.
- The adaptation of static calculations to the needs of the dimensioning of steel, timber and reinforced concrete structures.
- The possibility to create groups of supports and spot footing dimensioning.
- Bilateral cooperation with dimensioning modules of EuroStal, EuroŻelbet, EuroStopa, EuroDrewno.
Determination of the relative deflection envelope for individual and collective dimensioning.
- The possibility of automatic collective dimensioning of the entire input system on the basis of the dimensioning types assigned to bar groups and defined dimensioning elements.
- The function to check for new program updates.
Additional Information
SKU | rama-cad |
Status | Enabled |