Survey and Cogo:
Intelligent 2D & 3D Coordinate Geometry calculations to improve your design efficiency. It's Versatility will assist you with Title Surveys, Subdivision Design or Construction Site Design & Layout.
Terrain Modeling with Contours and Volumes. Interpolate Sections across any Model. Shade models by height and slope. 'Blend' models to create 'as-built' model simply.
Design Roads. whether rural, urban, or highways using either section templates or design strings. Also used for other regular structures such as airfields, channels, conveyors, railways etc.
Consist of
Coordinate Geometry Tools
Point Calculations
Bearing Distance Calculations
Offset Calculations
Route Curve Computations
Route Curve Design by IP method
Road Calculations for layout and subdivision
String Creation with Utilities to solve sequential problem
Stake Out Report
# CDS Model
Model Ground Surfaces from Random Points
Calculate Contour
Interpolation Profiles & Sections from Contour
Calculate Cuts & Fills From Contour
Storage Volume Calculation for Dam, Retention Basins
Stockpile Volume Computations
# CDS Road
Natural Profiles / Long section & Cross Sections plus Skew/River Sections
Cuts & Fills Volume From Natural Sections
Cross Sectional Cuts & Fills Template Design/Proposed Facilities
JKR Superelevation Computations using Spreadsheet
Auto-Generation of six Variable Templates for Carriageway and their
shoulders using JKR Superelevation Spreadsheet
Vertical Profile Design Facilities using Vertical IP Table.
Vertical Profile with grades annotations
Cuts and Fills for Proposed / Design Cross Sections with OGL Cross Sections.
# CDS Platform
String Design method for Design/Proposed Platform with Cuts & Fills slopes
Create Single Platform with single Cut & Fill slopes
Design/Generate Proposed Platforms with Cuts & Fills Templates
Design/Generate Proposed Multi-Platforms
# CDS Estate
Housing Estate Design/Proposed Levels
Input of Platform Proposed Levels with Auto Breaklines
Input of Road Intersection Proposed levels
Input of Road Edge Proposed Levels / Crossfall with Auto Breaklines
# CDS Digitizing
Converting Hard Copy Data and Bitmap data to Digital
Tracing Contour
Define line
Input data in X, Y, Z format
# CDS General Utilities
Data Entry From EDM, Total Station
Malaysian Coordinates Transformation – Cassini to RSO & RSO to Cassini
Data Transfer to DWG, DXF, MOSS GENIO
Data Editing for Points & Strings
Layering for Points, Strings, & Texts
# CDS New UI features
Windows ribbon based user interface with docking windows as necessary.
All the menu items have an associated bitmap.
Bitmaps are bigger than the old menu item and makes it easier to select.
It makes the program usable in the field on a tablet.
Many of the display options are now one click.
In the office we have a QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) across the top.
Bump maps when displaying triangle colors by height gives a
realistic 3D effect.
Tributaries show how water runs across a surface and
helps you understand the surface better.
Additional Information
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