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Cut2D Pro, Electronic Download

SKU: cut2d-pro

Availability: In stock

Regular Price: MYR2,788.00

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Cut2D Pro

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  • Cut2D Pro
  • Cut2D Pro
  • Cut2D Pro


Produce 2D patterns with profile, pocket, drill and inlay toolpaths

Why Choose Cut2D Pro?

Cut2D Pro gives you the power to produce complex 2D patterns with profile, pocket, drill and inlay toolpaths. With unlimited job and toolpath size, true shape nesting & job set-up sheets.

Cut2D Pro has easy to use vector drawing and editing tools with powerful 2D machining strategies for CNC routing, milling or engraving and provides a powerful but intuitive software solution for cutting parts on a CNC Router.

Complete set of 2D Design and Layout Tools

Easily create vectors from scratch or import and edit bitmap images

Create 2D Toolpaths

Including; Profiling, Pocketing, Drilling, Inlays and Quick Engraving

Ability to Merge Toolpaths

Combine toolpaths using the same tool to create one toolpath for efficient machining

Unlimited job and toolpath size

There are no limitations to the size of part or material that you can work with

Unleash Your Creativity with Cut2D Pro

2D Import & Editing
2D Import & Editing

The software can import 2D designs from other programs but also provides a full set of drawing and editing tools.

2D Toolpath Options
2D Toolpath Options

The toolpath options cover all typical 2D routing operations such as profiling, pocketing, auto-inlays and drilling.

Easy for Complex Projects
Easy for Complex Projects

Cut2D Pro includes the functionality demanded for complex work while remaining incredibly easy to use and affordably priced.

Customize & Control
Customize & Control

Each toolpath includes appropriate options to customize the settings and provide a high level of control for different types of operation.

Cutting Larger Projects
Cutting Larger Projects

Cut 2DPro has no size project or toolpath size limitations enabling you to create designs of any size. The bigger the better!

Instant Preview Updates
Instant Preview Updates

All toolpaths can be previewed to show just how the part will look when it is actually cut, this allows instant feedback to allow toolpaths to b

Additional Information

SKU cut2d-pro
Status Enabled