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BricsCAD Lite 24 - Single 1 Year Subscription


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Bricscad Classic  Malaysia Reseller

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  • Bricscad Classic  Malaysia Reseller
  • Bricscad Classic  Malaysia Reseller


Innovative CAD
easy to own & easy to use

BricsCAD supports innovative machine learning tools that simplify workflows and help you design better, faster

Convert repeated geometry to blocks in seconds


Using the power of AI, BLOCKIFY finds repeated geometry and converts it to blocks to accelerate your drawings                   

Switch to BricsCAD
in 30 minutes

Whether you're a novice user or an experienced CAD professional, you'll soon be creating drawings using the productivity-enhancing features of BricsCAD.

                 Draw faster and more accurately

Adaptive grid snapping

Use BricsCAD's dynamic snap grid that reacts to your zoom level and always gives you accurate drawing coordinates

Nearest distance

Dynamically view and modify the distance between any two entities easily                   

               Make blocks dynamic with AI assistance

Auto-parametrize solids

Use the power of AI to turn 3D solids into fully parametric parts in a second. Use equations and variables, fully table-driven.                 

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