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TiffinBIM ArCADia LT with Architectura

SKU: tiffinbim-architectura

Availability: Out of stock

TiffinBIM with Architectura Malaysia Reseller

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  • TiffinBIM with Architectura Malaysia Reseller


The Wait is Over. Introducing the latest TiffinBIM.

We are offering it in an affordable package called TiffinBIM ArCADia LT and its components.

Additional overlays (vertical programs) for various disciplines - Structure, M&E and Surveyor

This affordable BIM solution supports the creation of more BIM users (professionals and students) in the industry.

With its simplified User Interface, it also encourages more new users of both 2 - D and 3 - D CAD.

We offer these modules:
Escape Route, Landscape, Electrics, Distribution Boards, Telecommunication, Water, Sewerage, Surveyor, Gas and Construction (Structural).

Additional Information

SKU tiffinbim-architectura
Status Enabled