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SKU: protastructure

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  • ProtaStructure


Powerful Structural Engineering Software - ProtaStructure Suite

ProtaStructure is a structural analysis and design software that step forwards with its innovative BIM software (Building Information Modeling) for structural engineers to model, analyze and design buildings quickly and accurately.

From one central model, easily compare different schemes and automate your steel designreinforced concrete design and steel connection design significantly reducing project delivery time thanks to steel structure detailing and connection design software, ProtaSteel.

Use advanced integrated features including grouped member design, 3D Finite Element Analysisstaged constructionP-Delta Analysis and seismic designfoundations and punching shear checks to quickly produce results.

Produce high quality structural drawings and all structural design documentation from ProtaStructure automatically using ProtaDetails and ProtaSteel. Seamlessly coordinate projects with intelligent BIM technology.

ProtaStructure 2022 is fully compatible with 64-bit operating systems, bringing enormous advantages to speed and model management.

The modern user interface with the ribbon toolbar is designed for ease and efficiency.

Use physical objects, including trusses, beams, and slabs, to quickly and efficiently create and visualize models. Build one model! ProtaStructure enables you to model complex or straightforward concrete and steel buildings quickly and easily. Developed with BIM in mind, seamlessly communicate and refine models with other leading BIM systems, including Autodesk Revit, TeklaStructures, ArchiCAD, AllPlan, and latest data formats, including IFC, 2D/3D DXF, and SAF.

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SKU protastructure
Status Enabled