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BackupAssist 365

SKU: backupassist-365

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BackupAssist 365

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  • BackupAssist 365


What will you do if your cloud data turns to vapor?

You're protected when you back it up with

BackupAssist 365.

The easiest way to be cyber resilient is to have backups. That means you have separate copies of your data, going back in time, stored safely in different locations.

BackupAssist 365 is a business-grade application does exactly that: backing up your cloud-hosted data so you always have a local copy.

What BackupAssist 365 does to protect you...

BackupAssist 365 gives you local backups of your cloud data by automatically downloading your cloud data to a local destination. If anything goes wrong with your cloud accounts, you can restore from your local backup copy. Here’s how it works:

Back up cloud files to local directory

Supported: Microsoft 365 (Office 365) suite: OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint

In Beta: Google Drive, Dropbox, SFTP. 

Back up mailboxes to local PST files

Supported: Office 365 (Exchange Online), on-premise Exchange Server, IMAP server.

Additional Information

SKU backupassist-365
Status Enabled