create professional-looking sheet music with ease
Finale PrintMusic is music notation software designed for the musician who wants to create music notation and doesn’t require Finale’s most advanced features.
PrintMusic is easy to use and fun to learn. Quickly create orchestrations of up to 24 staves, extract parts, hear your music play back, and print beautiful sheet music.
more ways to enter notes
Enter your notes any way you wish. Clicking them in with a mouse, or playing them in with a MIDI keyboard are just two of many options. You can also scan music with the included SmartScore® Lite. If you wish, PrintMusic can even add harmony notes – or drum parts – automatically.
easily create your music
Once your notes are in PrintMusic, you’ve entered a new world – a world where you can quickly shape your music any way you wish. Transpose. Cut and paste. Rearrange. Transformations that would have required starting over with pen and paper are accomplished instantly in PrintMusic.
With PrintMusic, your music plays back, giving you instant feedback as you proof and refine your work. What’s more, it plays back beautifully. Human Playback performs your creations with the nuance of live performers, and high-quality sounds of more than 128 instruments are built in, including Row-Loff™ Marching Percussion sounds.
With PrintMusic, you can easily and quickly produce publisher quality sheet music as well as MP3s, PDF files, and graphics files. You can also collaborate, back and forth, with users of other software thanks to PrintMusic’s ability to import and export MusicXML files.
Additional Information
SKU | 13‐PHR14DCO |
Status | Enabled |