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Avast Premium Business Security, 260 seats - 1 Year

SKU: dsp.*.12m

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Avast Premium Business Security

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  • Avast Premium Business Security


Keep your business safer while working online

Help protect your data and devices against viruses and breaches, and enable employees to work online more safely and privately.

Enhance employees' security and privacy while on public Wi-Fi  with a VPN*.
Help prevent the use of unauthorized storage devices with USB protection.
Manage your security from anywhere with an online management platform.

Premium security protection and online privacy for small business employees

Help your employees and their devices stay safer and more private online and offline with Avast Premium Business Security, which combines our next-gen antivirus with VPN, plus USB management.


Stay more secure and private online

Keep your employees’ online activities private and safer, so they can remain both productive and at ease while working remotely anywhere.


Turn your business devices into fortresses

Get more peace of mind with Avast next-gen antivirus that helps protect your devices against malware infection, slowdown it may cause, and misuse. Six protection shields along with an AI-powered threat detection network and USB protection help secure your devices against online and offline threats. 


Prevent ransomware and data breaches, even from the inside

Keep your business and customer data safer from breaches and downtime with our firewall and multiple protective shields. Layered security, extended to USB devices, helps prevent sensitive data theft or leakage.

Additional Information

SKU dsp.*.12m
Status Enabled