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Ruckus P300 Outdoor Access Point

SKU: 901-P300-WW01

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Ruckus P300 Outdoor Access Point Malaysia Reseller

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  • Ruckus P300 Outdoor Access Point Malaysia Reseller


P300 Outdoor Access Point

Outdoor 2x2:2 5GHz 802.11ac point-to-point/multipoint bridge for long range backhaul

Deploy Ruckus P300 point to point/multipoint bridges to extend wireless coverage between remote locations or enable broadband services in places not reachable before in an affordable way. With the P300, service providers can reliably provide best in class wireless backhaul performance at ranges up to 12 kilometers.

P300, single unit, outdoor 802.11ac 2X2:2 bridge, 5 GHz internal antenna, optional antenna support, one ethernet port, PoE input, includes mounting brackets and one year warranty.

Does not include PoE injector, power adapters, optional external antennas or optional external RF cables

Additional Information

SKU 901-P300-WW01
Status Enabled