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Binary Ninja - Commercial Edition, Electronic Download

SKU: binary-ninja-pro

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Binary Ninja A New Type of Reversing Platform

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  • Binary Ninja A New Type of Reversing Platform


A New Type of Reversing Platform

Not all hackers ignore UI/UX. Binary Ninja uses modern UX paradigms, and if the default theme doesn't suit you, you can use one of the many alternatives.    

Our Python and C++ bindings are able to interact with almost every element of the platform. UI, ILs, disassembly, headers, our type parser, and much more.    

Code and data cross-references, confidence-based type propagation, value-set analysis, and more - all done automatically, and able to be scripted in an architecture agnostic fashion.    

We created a powerful, yet easy to read family of ILs, covering multiple stages of analysis. The lowest level is close to assembly, with higher levels approaching decompiled output. It's also extremely simple to implement a lifter for unsupported architectures.    

The commercial license includes more than just the freedom to profit with your work. Some specific features targeting professional or power users are also included such as multi-threading to leverage modern CPUs, and headless processing. Plugins work in both platforms, but only the commercial edition can run plugins without running the GUI. This allows for powerful batch analysis (for example, "import binaryninja" on headless servers). This works especially well with our custom "compute" licenses that are designed for headless-only installs.

Additional Information

SKU binary-ninja-pro
Status Enabled