Create. Collaborate. Be Heard.
Pro Tools redefined the music, film, and TV industry, providing everything you need to compose, record, edit, and mix audio—in the studio or in the cloud, from anywhere.
From doubling your MIDI track counts and providing non-stop workflows, to more virtual instruments and sounds, Pro Tools keeps your creativity flowing. That’s why top artists, musicians, and audio professionals choose it for everything they do. Because when you need to sound your best, nothing delivers like Pro Tools.
When deadlines are looming, Pro Tools offers timesaving tools to streamline your creative workflow. Whether you’re making music or producing soundtracks for picture—on your own or collaboratively with others in the cloud or in the studio—Pro Tools maximizes your efficiency, so you can stay inspired and focused to deliver your best work possible.
No matter who you are or what you do, there’s a Pro Tools for you. Get the lowest cost of entry with a subscription. Purchase and own the software outright. Upgrade your sound with a Pro Tools system. Or get started with Pro Tools | First, a free version of Pro Tools. The choice is yours.
We strive to make Pro Tools the best creative tool you could ever want. That’s why we release a steady stream of new features and improvements throughout the year to all Pro Tools users with an active subscription or Software Updates + Support Plan (included with new perpetual license purchases). This ensures you always have access to the latest software, plus support whenever you need it.
From double the MIDI tracks and non-stop audio creation, to new virtual instruments, samples, and sounds, Pro Tools enables you to keep your creativity flowing.
Double your MIDI track count
Pro Tools now supports 1,024 MIDI tracks (up from 512), giving you the freedom to create colossal, richly orchestrated pieces. With a larger palette of instruments and articulations at your disposal, you can spend more time creating and less time stressing on setup workarounds or having to forgo certain articulations. It’s ideal for film scoring and ardent sample library users, where MIDI tracks can quickly run up into the hundreds.
Create more fluidly during playback
With the latest version of Pro Tools, you can now interact with and make updates to tracks and timeline selections during playback without interruption. Freely experiment with different effects, presets, loop points, and more as your music plays on, keeping you in your creative groove.
- Create or delete tracks
- Enable or disable tracks
- Add a preset to a track
- Insert, move, or remove plugins
- Insert, move, or remove sends
- Make changes to your I/O
- Adjust start and end points of a loop or timeline selection
- Move an entire loop or timeline selection
Name tracks faster
Pro Tools now lets you name new tracks as you create them, providing a new “Name” field in the New Track dialog. This makes it faster and easier to name multiple new tracks in one fell swoop. If you don’t immediately give a new track a name, Pro Tools will automatically create a default name for you, respective of the track type, making it easy to understand what it is if you forget to name one.
Support for macOS Mojave
Over the last few months, our Pro Tools team has been working closely with Apple to optimize Pro Tools 2019 for improved performance and reliability on macOS Mojave. You can now use Pro Tools on any Mac running Apple’s latest OS and enjoy a significant boost in performance. With increased power on hand, you can create and mix with more effects, plugins, and virtual instruments and fewer CPU limitations.
Get easy multiseat licensing
Need Pro Tools for a large post, broadcast, or media education facility? You can purchase a Pro Tools or Pro Tools | Ultimate Multiseat License, which includes the Avid Complete Plugin Bundle—plus HEAT, Pro Tools | MachineControl, and Pro Tools | DigiLink I/O License with all Pro Tools | Ultimate seats. This server-based PACE floating license not only makes administering licenses faster and easier, it reduces licensing complexity and eliminates the need for iLoks across your facility.
- Unleash your creativity with incredible processing power
- Add epic numbers of virtual instruments and effects to create rich sounding mixes
- Get unrivaled sound quality and powerful 64-bit performance to handle huge mixes
- Monitor record inputs on native systems with ultra-low latency
- Play HD video right in the Pro Tools timeline—without transcoding
- Compose and polish mixes with over 60 64-bit AAX virtual instrument and effects plug-ins
- Speed up mixing with industry-trusted automation tools
- Enjoy the benefits of being on the Avid MediaCentral Platform
- Connect and collaborate with other Pro Tools users around the world through the cloud
- Store and archive your sessions locally or in the cloud (coming soon)
- Sell your music and other sound assets in the Avid Marketplace (coming soon)
- Document, manage, and track your assets with a universal metadata schema (coming soon)
- Enjoy track freeze, Commit and Bounce
Pro Tools redefined the music, film, and TV industry, providing everything you need to compose, record, edit, and mix music and audio. Create without bounds and work at the speed of your creativity, so you can take on the most demanding sessions and deliver the best sounding mixes possible.
Additional Information
SKU | 1143-191 |
Status | Enabled |