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Avenza Maps Pro, 3-Year Subscription - New/ Renewal, Per device


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Avenza Maps

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  • Avenza Maps


Avenza Maps Pro. Offline mobile mapping and data collection for professionals

Avenza Maps Pro® is designed for individuals, organizations, governments, and academic institutions around the world that need advanced mobile mapping capabilities in the field.

A mobile solution for offline maps

Equip teams with a reliable offline map app on smartphones and tablets to navigate and collect data in remote areas without internet, network, or satellite connections.

Import unlimited personalized maps

Avenza Maps Pro allows unlimited imports of personalized maps in geospatial PDF, GeoTIFF, GeoPDF®, and JPG (with appropriate reference files). Download your maps over a Wi-Fi or cellular network. 

Shapefile and area support

Add shapefiles directly to your map to work with points, lines, and areas. Easily convert your collected GPS Tracks into an area. Use the Draw and Measure tool to create areas and export to shapefile when ready to share.

Collect and share map data

Easily record attributes at any placemark or track. Add custom fields, insert field values, modify location, change color, and add notes and geotagged photos. Import and manage custom symbol sets to use with your maps and set default symbols to be used on layers while collecting data. Export and share data with your teams and ensure everyone has the most up-to-date information anytime they need it.

More Avenza Maps Pro features

source icon

Use digital maps from virtually any source

Import specialized, classified, and proprietary georeferenced maps stored on the cloud or directly from a web server. Scan QR codes for even quicker access.

Outward facing arrows icon

Distribute maps faster and more efficiently

Share up-to-date maps quickly as situations evolve for better response time and greater safety and spatial awareness.

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Simple yet powerful data collection

Use drawing and measuring tools, navigation, customizable attributes, and more to collect map data and easily export to formats compatible with many GIS platforms.

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Train and educate with real world tools

Avenza Maps Pro is used in situational training by businesses and governments, and as part of GIS curricula at academic institutions all over the world.

Data icon

Collect and manage data

Create attribute schema, import, and export map data in multiple formats including shapefile, and add customized symbols.

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Advanced map tools

Draw lines and areas, record GPS tracks, navigate to destinations, and create geofences for notification when entering and leaving an area.

remote connection icon

Subscription manager

For organizations with multiple users, add, change and remove subscriptions remotely for multiple devices and device types. No need for physical access to devices.

Chat icon

Enhanced technical support

Get priority technical support from the Avenza Maps team by phone, email, and web form. Also, access our online support center.

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