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Assimilate SCRATCH - 1 Year Subscription


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Regular Price: MYR3,688.00

Assimilate SCRATCH

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  • Assimilate SCRATCH


Colorgrading & Finishing Advanced Creative

Imagine a grading system that operates as fast as you think. That is SCRATCH.

GPU-based since 2003, SCRATCH has become the go-to software for professional colorgrading and finishing. Literally anything is just a click away – or, thanks to user-defined panel mapping, a button push. Through its advanced grading tools and easy-to-use color management, SCRATCH allows artists to never say no to a client. You can work layer-based or node-based with top-of-the-art color tools such as Vectors, Curves, 6 different Qualifiers, beautiful scopes and much more in the most streamlined UI the industry has ever seen.


SCRATCH does not stop at colorgrading. It is a complete finishing tool, that allows for realtime client-attended compositing, using OFX plugins and free matchbox shaders. Need to place a police car here? Add sky replacement there? Remove that crew member in the background?
With SCRATCH, it’s done within seconds, while the client next to you drops his jaw to the floor.


SCRATCH is being used by major VFX houses around the globe as the central hub for VFX shot management and review, since it allows to easily manage a zillion versions of shots and timelines in the most visual way possible. It conforms EDLs, XMLs, AAFs and more – including support for Avid Markers to update clips with VFX shotnames. Through its excellent metadata support, SCRATCH can transcode camera RAW footage of any kind into metadata-rich OpenEXR sequences, even with frame-based metadata. SCRATCH’s review tools allow for simple note comments in various colors, as well as on-screen annotations – all of which can be exported as PDF reports.


Being an essential part of DIT Pack+ SCRATCH sets the industry standard for dailies transcoding. It has automated features for LUT application, look management and audio-sync. SCRATCH pulls as much metadata as possible from both, audio files and camera RAW – including frame-based metadata – and automatically forwards everything to the target format. No matter whether it’s DNx MXF for Avid workflows, high quality H264 for online review, OpenEXR for VFX or ProRes Quicktime for Premiere and Final Cut workflows – SCRATCH encodes it at an incredible speed, equally on macOS and Windows. Being able to export extensive Clip reports for any use case goes without saying.


Every software has its limits. When reaching those limits, it’s paramount to have a fast-track connection to other software. This is why SCRATCH features integrated bridges to Nuke and After Effects, native support for ScopeBox and Nobe OmniScope, as well as a direct integration with Light Illusion’s ColourSpace calibration software and Hedge Offloading and Backup. And if that is not enough, you are free to integrate it to any level into your custom in-house pipeline via XML scripting hooks.

Complete Dailies & Finishing Toolset

The first real-time, client-attended toolset in the industry to deliver a consistent, integrated user-interface across both production dailies and CREATIVE DI. Real-time end-to-end workflow. Advanced tools for increased creativity and productivity.


'There is nothing more expensive than an unhappy client'

With no job being exactly the same and ever-changing demands from clients, you need a tool that can adapt to the situation. Be it new media formats, deliverables, audio handling and syncing or completely new workflows – together with SCRATCH you can rise to any challenge.

Massively Different, Much Better

SCRATCH is the fully-featured dailies and archiving toolset used by professionals for color-grading / look-management, QC, metadata-management, and audio-sync to provide the deliverables for all cinematic dailies. Its speed and flexibility are its strengths that have made SCRATCH the backbone for the cinematic dailies and VFX dailies pipeline for many individuals and facilities.

Why Start From SCRATCH

  • Easily switch between a Dailies, Basic Review or the full-blown Finishing toolset at any time.
  • Support for all professional media formats; from camera RAW to traditional intermediates, to compressed and uncompressed finishing formats.
  • Live SDI Capture from a camera directly to manage on-set looks or green-screen testing.
  • Fast and flexible transcoding to any format in multiple resolutions in one go, including grades and burn-in titling.
  • Manage looks, import and export CDL or LUT and use the match-functions to ensure looks created on-set can be easily used further down the pipeline. 
  • Quickly sync imported audio, based on the timecode/clapper/audio sync marker. 
  • Capture, manage, modify, and append Metadata through the pipeline. Then provide fully customizable reports.


Speed Matters – Creativity Counts

Never say no to a client. There is nothing more frustrating than having to tell a client every other shot that you need to send it to VFX because your tool only does the grading. Its ultra-responsive interface together with its broad scope of grading and compositing features make SCRATCH the most efficient and flexible finishing tool around.

Finish First

Finish over 1000 shots a day. Manage a zillion versions of shots and timelines. Add or remove planes, trains, and automobiles to a scene on the spot with your client sitting next to you. Now imagine this being a matter of just a few clicks.

Why Start From SCRATCH

  • Buy and learn one tool to use, from on-set throughout the post-pipeline.
  • Conform, Color, Vector Paint, FX Compositing and Finishing in real-time.
  • Combine a node-based and (video) layer architecture for unlimited creativity.
  • From real-time Bicubic Image Warper to easy-to-operate stereo-3D workflow.
  • An open architecture: Out of the box integration with AE or Nuke, XML Scripting, and Custom Commands to bridge to other specialized post-tools.

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