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Altova DiffDog 2020 Professional Edition Concurrent 1 User

SKU: D20P-C001-0P

Availability: Out of stock

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Altova DiffDog Professional  Malaysia Reseller

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  • Altova DiffDog Professional  Malaysia Reseller


Compare and Merge Tool

Altova DiffDog is the unique XML-aware diff / merge tool that lets you compare and merge text or source code files, XML or JSON files, and Word documents. Compare and synchronize directories, database schemas and content, and much more.

With a straightforward and consistent user interface, DiffDog is a powerful diff/merge tool for all common comparison tasks.

Compare and Merge Tool

Altova DiffDog is the unique XML-aware diff / merge tool that lets you compare and merge text or source code files, XML or JSON files, and Word documents. Compare and synchronize directories, database schemas and content, and much more.
With a straightforward and consistent user interface, DiffDog is a powerful diff/merge tool for all common comparison tasks.

Additional Information

SKU D20P-C001-0P
Status Enabled