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Acronis Cyber Backup 12.5 Standard Virtual Host License incl. Acronis Premium Customer Support, ESD


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Acronis Backup Virtual Host Malaysia Reseller

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Acronis Cyber Backup


Protect Your Entire VMware vSphere Environment with Acronis Cyber Backup

Back up a single ESX(i) host, virtual machine, or cluster to hybrid storage and protect your entire vSphere environment with Acronis Cyber Backup.

Acronis Cyber Backup is a complete, flexible backup and recovery solution, delivers fast recovery time objectives (RTOs) and reduces your total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

  • Complete Business Protection
    Realize RTOs of 15 Seconds or LessReduce Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) of your vSphere Virtual Machines (VMs) and ESX(i) hosts to 15 seconds or less. Recover to bare metal, whether it is the same or dissimilar hardware from different vendors
  • World_Fastest_Recovery
    Improve Your TCO and Scale ProtectionAcronis Backup can lower your TCO with easy management of data protection while supporting up to 2,000 devices per management server and supporting enterprise workloads, including Oracle, Clustered Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Exchange
  • Flexible Storage Options
    Streamline Data ProtectionProtect your entire vSphere environment with complete disk-imaging backup and eliminate the time IT spends reinstalling operating systems and applications when a VM or host fails

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