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SmartZone OCR Standard .NET Edition v5.0 - 1 Client Runtime License, price per client (10 to 24) (minimum quantity 10)

SKU: CS-517535-894240

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SmartZone OCR Standard .NET Edition Malaysia Reseller

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  • SmartZone OCR Standard .NET Edition Malaysia Reseller
  • SmartZone ICR/OCR Professional


*** A minimum of 5 client licenses is required for first time purchases *** SmartZone SDKs make it easy to include character recognition in your application. Just pass it an image clip, and SmartZone returns the characters. It is ideal for processing fields on forms, whether they were typed (OCR) or hand-printed (ICR). Confidence values let you decide when an operator should review the results, and alternate characters help them quickly select the correct result. Text and Handprint Recognition SDK SmartZone ICR makes it easy to include the character recognition in your application. Just pass it an image clip, and SmartZone returns the characters. It’s ideal for processing hand-printed fields on forms. Confidence values let you decide when an operator should review the results, and alternate characters help them quickly select the correct result. SmartZone for .NET includes exclusive new technology that uses regular expressions to improve accuracy even...

Additional Information

SKU CS-517535-894240
Status Enabled