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Facets by download - Personal-Circle Site License

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SKU 300859317
Status Enabled

up to 30 end-users personally known to the license holder

Facets is designed to handle really tough applications of unidimensional Rasch measurement. It constructs measures from complex data involving heterogeneous combinations of examinees, items, tasks, judges along with further measurement and structural facets. It is designed to handle flexibly combinations of items of different formats in one analysis. Item types include dichotomies, rating scales with up to 255 categories,

Poisson counts and Bernoulli trials. Multiple different measurement models can be included in the same analysis, including paired-comparisons, rank- order, rating scales, partial credit and dichotomizations involving from 1 to 255 facets. Measures can also be fixed (anchored) individually or by group mean, facilitating equating and linking across test sessions. Quality-control fit evaluation of all measures is provided. Unexpected data points are identified. Bias, differential item functioning and interactions can be measured. Weighting schemes can be implemented. Up to 1 million examinees etc. can be included in one analysis.

Typical applications have over 90% missing data. Since organizing the data for input to Facets and then interpreting its output can be challenging, it is recommended that simpler approaches be tried first. Facets has been used successfully to construct measures for medical staff performance, patient performance, public speaking, sports performance by individuals and teams, and consumer preferences. Training seminars are held regularly.