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V-Ray Malaysia Reseller, Vray for Sketchup, 3ds Max, Phoenix FD, Rhino, Softimage

V-Ray for Autodesk®3ds Max®, V-Ray for Autodesk® Maya®, V-Ray for Rhino®, V-Ray for SketchUp®, Phoenix FD - the simulator for fire and smoke, and Pdplayer – the production oriented image sequence player and viewer for the CG industry.


Installation of V-Ray for SketchUp
User Manual V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Installation Guide
V-Ray for SketchUp PFD Manual

System Requirements

V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray for 3ds Max


Product Help Docs
Installation and Licensing Docs

Product Brochures

V-Ray for 3ds Max
V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray for Softimage
Brochure for Automotive and Product Industry
Brochure for Film and Visual Effects Industry
Brochure for Architectural Design Industry

* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.