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Faronics Malaysia Reseller, Deep Freeze, Deep Freeze Standard, Deep Freeze Mac

OS Image Deployment - Remotely deploys images to Windows Endpoints
MDM - Mobile Device Management
Software Updater - Automatic software updates and patch deployment

Faronics Deep Freeze makes PCs indestructible. It protects endpoints by Freezing a snapshot of a computer’s desired configuration and settings defined by the IT Admin. With an instant reboot, any unwelcome or unwanted changes are removed from the system, restoring it to its pristine Frozen state.

Faronics Insight is an effective classroom management software that helps teachers create a better learning experience, while streamlining IT administration and supporting multiple labs with ease.


Deep Freeze Cloud
Deep Freeze Technical Datasheet
Deep Freeze Datasheet
Faronics Deep Freeze Product Brochure
Faronics Products for your Labs, Classroom & Libraries
Faronics Deploy Brochure
Faronics Insight
Deep Freeze MDM
Faronics Cloud Anti-Virus for Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze Cloud

Deep Freeze Cloud Plans
Faronics Deep Freeze Cloud Brochure
Faronics Deep Freeze Cloud MAC Brochure
Faronics Deep Freeze Cloud Connector Brochure
Faronics My Cloud Drive Brochure


Comparison between Deep Freeze Standard, Deep Freeze Enterprise and Deep Freeze Cloud
Compare Deep Freeze Standard with the Enterprise Edition

User Guides

Deep Freeze Enterprise User Guide
Deep Freeze Standard Quick Starter Guide
Deep Freeze Standard User Guide
Deep Freeze Server Enterprise Edition User Guide
Deep Freeze Mac User Guide
Deep Freeze Server Enterprise Edition User Guide
Deep Freeze Standard User Guide


Deep Freeze preserves your computer configuration. Any changes – either malicious or unintentional – are reversed on reboot. This is called Reboot-to-Restore where each reboot restores the computer to its desired configuration.


Maintenance is mandatory with initial license purchase. During the maintenance period, you'd have access to software updates including new version release. Maintenance is renewable on an annual or multi-year basis to get the updated license key to work on changes/upgrades on the machines.

* ESD: electronic software download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.