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Vector Psychometric Group

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Vector Psychometric Group

Vector Psychometric Group (VPG) is proud to offer cutting-edge software for web-based data collection and item response data analysis. Authored by Li Cai, one of the leading experts in psychometrics, Adaptest®, IRTPRO™, and flexMIRT® have state-of-the-art features unavailable in other programs. Adaptest®, our web-based computerized adaptive testing (CAT) engine, has been updated to a “plug-in,” allowing any existing electronic data collection system (EDC) to administer adaptive tests and provide real-time scoring with minimal modifications. IRTPRO™, with its intuitive graphical user interface, built-in data management capacity, high quality graphics, and a professional HTML-based output delivery system, have become widely adopted by educators, researchers, and assessment professionals. flexMIRT®, VPG’s flagship IRT software, has some of the richest psychometric and statistical features defining the state of the art. With the ability to be installed and called remotely, flexMIRT® is ideal for the individual analyses of an applied researcher or the large-scale analyses and scoring needed for operational use.

Kindly contact us for more information.

* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.