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SSI, Inc, SSI Scientific software Authorized Reseller, AUXAL, HLM, IRTPRO, LISREL, PARSCALE, SuperMix
Perpetual single and concurrent user licenses (electronic installation applications)
- * 1 Single user license permits 1 activation on 1 computer for 1 specific end user.
- * 1 Individual concurrent user license permits activations on multiple computers for 1 specific end user.
- * n Individual concurrent user licenses permit n activations on n computers for any number of different end users.
- * If both the number of different end users and the number of computers exceed the number of concurrent user licenses, third-party license management software such as KeyServer is required to restrict the number of end users that accesses the software at the same time to the number of concurrent user licenses.
- * All single user and concurrent user licenses are only delivered electronically in the sense that the URL for the installation application, the installation,configuration, and activation instructions, and the billing and delivery invoices are sent via email to the email address provided in the End User Data window of the SSI Shopping Cart on the same or the next business day.
- * All single user and concurrent user licenses are perpetual permanent) and require no maintenance or renewal fees.
- * All paid single user upgrade licenses are optional.
- * All free single user license and concurrent user license upgrades are optional, but are strongly recommended for receiving technical support.
User Guide
LISREL for Windows: PRELIS User’s Guide
LISREL 8.8 for Windows WebHelp File
* ESD: Electronic Software Download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.