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VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ Term License for 1 Core + Premium Support for 1 year

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SKU tanzu-rabbitmq
Status Enabled

The message broker for modern applications

VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ makes it easy to architect resilient, loosely coupled systems on VMware Tanzu Editions, on VMware Tanzu Application Service, or across clouds.

Minimum initial purchase of 23 Cores. VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ with Premium Support, 24 hour Sev 1 Support -- 7 days a week. 1 Core.

Lean on the Tanzu RabbitMQ experts

Backed by the core committers to open source RabbitMQ, who have years of experience on the project and related products.

Simplify running Tanzu RabbitMQ in the cloud

Give developers on-demand, self-service Tanzu RabbitMQ clusters that are easy to manage.

Rely on 24x7 support

Focus on your business and leave the support to us!

Why Tanzu RabbitMQ?

Messaging software serves as the central nervous system integrating distributed applications and services. Tanzu RabbitMQ makes it easy to architect resilient, loosely coupled systems. Application developers can connect systems using a variety of protocols and formats, without having to worry about interoperability, reliability, or scalability.

Based on open source RabbitMQ, Tanzu RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It's a fast and dependable message broker that supports a wide range of use cases, including reliable integration, content-based routing and global data delivery, and high-volume monitoring and data ingestion.

Asynchronous messaging

Use multiple messaging protocols, message queuing, delivery acknowledgement, flexible routing to queues, and multiple exchange type.

Developer experience

Deploy with BOSH, Chef, Docker, and Puppet. Develop cross-language messaging with your favorite programming languages, like Java, .NET, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, and many others.

Distributed deployment

Deploy as clusters for high availability and throughput, and federate across multiple availability zones and regions.

Enterprise and cloud ready

Secure with pluggable authentication, authorization, supports TLS and LDAP. Lightweight and easy to deploy in public and private clouds.

Tools and plugins

Use a diverse array of tools and plugins supporting continuous integration, operational metrics, and integration to other enterprise systems, along with a flexible plug-in approach for extending RabbitMQ functionality.

Management and monitoring

Use HTTP-API, command line tool, and UI for managing and monitoring RabbitMQ.