Quality Control, Assembly, Quantification and Differential Expression
The OmicsBox Transcriptomics module allows you to process RNA-seq data from raw reads down to their functional analysis in a flexible and intuitive way.
Quality Control
Use FastQC and Trimmomatic to perform the quality control of your samples, to filter reads and to remove low quality bases.
De-Novo Assembly
Assemble short reads with Trinity to obtain a de-novo transcriptome without a reference genome. Assess the completeness of the transcriptome with BUSCO, cluster similar sequences with CD-HIT, and predict coding regions with TransDecoder.
RNA-Seq Alignment
Align RNA-seq data to your reference genome making use of STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference)or BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner). Regardless or your hardware in the OmicsBox Cloud.
Quantify Expression
Quantify expression at gene or transcript level through HTSeq or RSEM and with or without a reference genome.
Differential Expression Analysis
Detect differentially expressed genes between experimental conditions or over time with well-known and versatile statistical packages like NOISeq, edgeR or maSigPro. Rich visualizations help to interpret results.
Enrichment Analysis
By combining differential expression results with functional annotations, enrichment analysis allows to identify over- and underrepresented biological functions.