ProtoPie ENTEPRISE ON PREMISE (for Server Instance License), Annual Plan
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Status | Enabled |
Free your ideas
Don’t let a good idea stay just an idea. ProtoPie is the most intuitive way to prototype and perfect them.
Just 3 things to get you started
Effortlessly create interactive prototypes using our unique conceptual model. To create any Interaction, you just need an Object + Trigger + Response — that's all there is to it.
You won’t miss misunderstandings
Protect your design vision and leave nothing up to interpretation with interaction recipes. Quickly share and access all your team’s interactions by using libraries, ensuring consistency throughout the design experience.
Say hello to no-code creation
But say goodbye to painstaking prototyping. Create interactions using your native keyboard, native camera, or multi-touch, all at the click of a button.
Powerful interactions
From the simplest of interactions to those that use Excel-grade formulas, ProtoPie can handle them all. Make mind-blowing interactions everyday without ever having to write any code.