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Navicat Malaysia Reseller, Navicat Premium, Navicat for MySQL, Navicat MariaDB, Navicat SQL Server, Navicat Oracle, Navicat PosrtgreeSQL, Navicat SQLite, Navicat Data Modeler, Navicat Essentials


Online Resources

Navicat Tutorials | Navicat Online Manual
Navicat Online and PDF Manual | Tips and tutorials
Manual Activation

Features comparison matrix

Navicat Premium
Navicat Monitor
Navicat for MySQL
Navicat for SQL Server
Navicat for PostgreSQL
What is Non-commercial License?

Windows Version

Navicat PDF Manual
Report Viewer PDF Manual
Navicat Data Modeler PDF Manual

Mac Version

Navicat PDF Manual
Navicat Data Modeler PDF Manual

Linux Version

Navicat PDF Manual
Navicat Data Modeler PDF Manual

* Enterprise version (Windows) is packaged with Report Builder and Data Modeling Tool, and 2 Navicat Report Viewer licenses.
# Enterprise version (Mac and Linux) includes the Data Modeling Tool feature.

For feature comparisons, please visit Feature Matrix

Navicat Premium

*Windows version features Report Building Tool.

#Linux version does not support connection to Microsoft SQL Server.

Cross-platform licensing is now available! Your license key can be used on either platform - Windows / macOS / Linux. Learn More

Non-Commercial License

Non-Commercial License of PremiumSoft's product can be used by individual, university students and teachers, and public libraries, and for non commercial use only. Any other use requires the purchase of a full commercial license.

Commercial companies and Government departments are required to purchase our Commercial Licenses.

For more details about our Non Commercial Licensing, please visit: Non-Commercial Licensing Program

Upgrade Policy

Customers who bought Navicat license(s) are entitled to free minor upgrades. Minor upgrades are upgrades of which the first digits of version number has not changed. So if you buy Navicat v10.0.X, you can upgrade to any other version 10.X.X free of charge.

Software Maintenance

Navicat Software Maintenance Plan is a cost effective and comprehensive program which allows subscriber to receive priority email support, live chat support service, software upgrades and bug fix releases at no additional cost during the protection period. The Maintenance period is available for 1 year, 2 years and 3 years.
For each purchase of Navicat, customers are given a 90-day complimentary maintenance starting from the date of purchase. During the protection period, customers will be covered by Navicat software maintenance plan and entitled to our priority support service. The last day of this period is also the last day of final subscription to Navicat Maintenance Plan.
The start date of your software maintenance subscription will always be the date you bought the software license. We give a 90-day allowance period to customers to consider whether there is a need to buy the software maintenance(s) for their license(s). Whether or not the subscription is made on the last day of the allowance period (i.e the 90th day of your purchase date), the maintainance start date will still be the date of your license purchase date, and will extend for a period of an exact 12-month, 24-month, or 36-month, depending on your plan.

* ESD: electronic software download.
All the products are digital in nature and are downloaded/shipped online. There will be no physical CD/manual.