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MapInfo Advanced Yearly Maintenance Subscription

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With MapInfo® Pro Advanced, identify, quantify and visualise spatial patterns using unique raster capabilities plus all the capabilities of MapInfo® Pro.

Software Maintenance Releases
1 year’s subscription
Inclusive with Base Map Bing Layers Functionalities.

MapInfo® Pro Advanced: Raster analysis, redefined.

Visualise and work with raster datasets of virtually unlimited size, without any performance penalty. With the transformative technology in MapInfo® Pro Advanced, you’ll create quality visualisations and analyses in record time, while benefiting from all the capabilities of MapInfo® Pro

MapInfo® Pro Advanced is our premiere 64-bit location intelligence application with a next-generation raster grid visualisation and analysis add-on. With its innovative, patented multi-resolution master (MRR) data format, it can handle datasets at terabyte scale.

Powerful and Flexible

The MRR format gives you the ability to gather and work with data at different resolutions and still generate meaningful analyses. Plus, it's supported in the Standard MapInfo® Pro and throughout the Pitney Bowes Location Intelligence suite.

Plus These Outstanding Benefits

  • Comprehensive visualisation options (e.g. analytical hill shading)
  • Powerful grid analysis (e.g. slope calculation, line-of-sight analysis)
  • Advanced grid analysis using an easy-to-use Grid Calculator
  • Broad coverage: High quality maps for large parts of the world
  • Up-to-date reference maps: The background data is constantly being updated
  • Flexible map displays
  • Instant customisation
  • Robust background maps
  • Smarter calculations

This single-seat desktop license allows for perpetual use of the software and includes a one year Subscription and Services package, which provides you with access to any maintenance and upgrade releases, knowledge-base articles, access to the Knowledge Community web to share ideas and best practices and access to a world-class technical support team. Support packages can be renewed annually as desired.

Find, segment and update your data faster and easier with the new SQL Window:
Users can build and save SQL statements and MapBasic scripts. This helps to increase productivity by building, running and reusing scripts.
Enhance your location analytics with customised apps in the Marketplace:
Customised apps are released and updated continuously to help you solve your specific business needs. Need imagery of a specific area? MapInfo Pro Drone is available. Looking for additional special purpose tools? We have an app for that, too.
Make beautiful maps with map layout improvements
Experience crisp new line and fill styles, vectorised legends, faster redraws, snapping and alignment, templates, multipage layouts.
Turn your data into insights using the new heat mapping available within MapInfo Pro:
Start with any file of people, places, or things and visualise the density of the locations as “hot spots” that help you make better decisions. For more power, upgrade to MapInfo® Pro Advanced and work with all kinds of raster data using the fast, highly compressed MRR format.


  • Windows 7 (64-bit SP1)
  • Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 (64-bit only)
  • Windows 2012 Server R2 (64-bit with XenApp 7.5)
  • Windows 2019 Server R2 (64-bit)
  • Windows 2019 Server R2 (64-bit with XenApp)


  • Common PC files
  • Microsoft® Excel
  • Access
  • DBF
  • CSV and delimited ASCII text files


  • Oracle®
  • Microsoft® SQL Server
  • PostGIS
  • SQLite
  • ODBC compliant databases
  • OGC GeoPackage (new in 16.0)


  • AutoCAD® DXF/DWG
  • SHP
  • DGN
  • GML
  • KML


  • Maps and imagery
  • WMTS (new in 16.0)
  • WMS
  • WFS (version 2.0 support added)
  • CSW
  • Aerial images
  • Satellite images
  • Scanned paper mapes
  • Microsoft® Bing maps