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Logicly Student


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Status Enabled
  • 1 user
  • No subscription required — One-time fee
  • Install on any number of computers
  • Supports both Windows and macOS

Teach logic gates + digital circuits effectively — with Logicly

  • Design circuits quickly and easily with a modern and intuitive user interface with drag-and-drop, copy/paste, zoom & more.
  • Take control of debugging by pausing the simulation and watching the signal propagate as you advance step-by-step.
  • Don't worry about multiple platforms on student computers. Install on both Windows and macOS.

Create engaging, hands-on, homework assignments

  • Let students experiment in a "no worries" simulation where undo is a click away — before building physical circuits.
  • Encapsulate and avoid duplication by creating custom integrated circuits that you can drag and drop... just like gates.
  • Customize Logicly for your curriculum by building libraries of custom circuits that students can “import” into their work.