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  • Toon Boom Harmony Essentials - Annual Term license - Silver Support - Institution

Toon Boom Harmony Essentials - Annual Term license - Silver Support - Institution

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Your Animation, Any Style

The most powerful software ever created for animation production.

Accelerate Your Art

  • Ink, paint, rig and animate
  • Compositing and effects
  • All the tools you need to create your entire project in one tool

Sketch, Draw, and Paint

  • Bitmap and vector tools for creating art
  • Create any style with advanced tools that
    speed up production
  • Combine 3D imported models with 2D for
    hybrid productions

Enhance the Look

  • Create multiplane scenes using Z-depth
  • Introduce occlusion and 3D camera moves
  • Animate in any style, apply effects and composite in 3D

Production Powerhouse

Used by top studios all over the world, Harmony lets you work fast and animate in any style. Harmony has all the tools you need for traditional paperless, cut-out and hybrid animation productions.

  • TV

    Create television episodic
    projects efficiently

  • Film

    Develop movies with
    more artistic control

  • Games

    Create 2D animation and
    game assets efficiently