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  • GitBook Pro, 1 Year

GitBook Pro, 1 Year


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SKU gitbook-pro
Status Enabled

Effortless documentation starts here

Centralize your team’s knowledge, sync with your codebase, and create beautiful documentation your customers and teams will love

Upgrade to smarter
technical documentation

Create access-protected docs

With visitor authentication you choose who can access your docs — so you can keep sensitive information away from competitors and hackers. Simply integrate with your auth platform and only authorized users can view your documentation.

A workflow you know

GitBook’s branch-based workflow will be instantly familiar if you’ve used GitHub or GitLab. Open a change request to edit a published or locked page, request a review, then merge.

Write better with AI

GitBook AI can fix grammar and spelling errors, explain technical jargon, edit your tone, translate your docs, or even write a first draft for you. All without leaving your GitBook tab.

Editing tools your technical writers will love

Our block-based editor lets you add and rearrange your content as you go — including code blocks and tables. Plus it has Markdown support for fast editing.