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FusionCharts Pro with Platinum Support - 1 Year


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FusionCharts Suite XT

FusionCharts helps you build beautiful dashboards for your web & mobile projects. With extensive documentation, cross-browser support, and a consistent API, it is easier than ever to add interactive and responsive charts. From simple charts like line, column, and pie to domain-specific charts like heatmaps, radar, and stock charts we’ve got you covered. Start building your dashboards with FusionCharts today.

What do you get with FusionCharts Suite XT?

FusionCharts XT

With 50+ chart types, FusionCharts XT consists of the most commonly used charts like column, line, and pie for your reports and dashboards.

FusionWidgets XT

From Gauges and KPIs to funnel and pyramid charts, FusionWidgets XT makes your dashboards and monitors a lot more insightful.

PowerCharts XT

With the inclusion of heat & treemaps, radar, and statistical charts, PowerCharts XT is a set of advanced charting widgets for domain-specific usage.

FusionMaps XT

Plot your crucial business data like revenue by regions with over 2000 data-driven maps that are included in FusionMaps XT.