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Foxit Admin Console (Hosted Solution - price per user, per year


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Admin ConsoleCentralized license management and web update portal.

Features at a glance


Foxit license management

Manage Foxit PDF Editor and Foxit eSign licenses.

Easy setup

Add users manually or by connecting to SSO and Active Directory to securely gain access to user information.

Manage licenses per user or group

Manage users, create user groups, add and remove users. Assign and remove licenses from users and user groups.

License overview

View the total number of Foxit licenses you own, currently have assigned, and the number of active users.

Manage and automate upgrades

For on-premise versions only, manage and automate the desktop software upgrade process. The update server will automatically download updates from Foxit servers, then make them available on customer servers. Push updates to users, requiring them to install them.

AI-Powered Management

Automate tedious tasks like license and user account management with Foxit’s AI Assistant, plus instant troubleshooting and navigation support, enabling seamless user operations.