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Dewan Eja Pro 11 for Adobe InDesign, InCopy - Perpetual License


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Dewan Eja Pro 10, the #1 proofing and reference suite for Malaysian languages, now works for Adobe InDesign and InCopy CC/CS5/CS5.5 & CS6. Dewan Eja Pro helps makes publishers' job easier by automatically identifying spelling mistakes. It features the first hyphenator designed for the Malay language. You can also reference words instantly just by highlighting in any Windows applications.

Key Features
  • Complete integration with Adobe InDesign and InCopy, including CS/CS2/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS5.5.
  • Spell checker for Malay. Dewan Eja underlines spelling mistakes in Adobe InDesign CS3-CS5.5 automatically.
  • Hyphenator for Malay. Automatically hyphenates based on Malay linguistic rules, not English.
  • new! Updated contents. Now includes Kamus Peribahasa dan Simpulan Bahasa and Jawi dictionary as standard.
  • new! Revamped CheckAnywhere technology.Hover your mouse cursor over any word in any Windows application to look it up. You need not click, type or copy and paste at all.
  • new! Updated Spell checker for Malay. Dewan Eja underlines spelling mistakes. Its "Fractional Analysis" is specially tailored for the Malay language, providing accurate suggestions with prefixes and suffixes ("imbuhan"), as well as verbs in passive form.
  • new! Faster browsing and searching with web integration. New Kamus Pro interface displays summarized results across all reference materials instantly, making it much more efficient to look up words and phrases. You can even see search results from selected web sites in its integrated tabs.
  • new! Updated Malay Chinese Dictionary. Contains more than 30,000 entries. Supports Malay and Chinese two-way checking.
  • new!
  • English and Chinese pronunciation. Dewan Eja Pro integrates Microsoft Speech to pronounce English and Chinese words.
  • Word of the day. A rare word is displayed every day to enhance your vocabulary.
  • Best dictionaries, including Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat and Kamus Inggeris Melayu Dewan, officially provided by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
  • Daftar Istilah. Cross-reference between English and Malay terms in various fields, including science and mathematics. It consists of over 267,000 entries.
  • Free updates. The software automatically checks for updates when connected to Internet.