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  • Delimit Pro, 5 Users, 1 Year

Delimit Pro, 5 Users, 1 Year

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SKU delimit-pro-5u
Status Enabled
Feature Tour
  1. Quickly open any delimited data file.
  2. Edit any cell. Also find and replace data or empty cells throughout the entire file or within specific columns and/or rows.
  3. Easily convert files from one delimiter to another like
    CSV to TAB and/or change line endings from Windows (CRLF) to Unix/Linux (LF) and vice versa.
  4. Split-up any delimited file into file parts of equal size or on column values.
  5. Join multiple delimited files into one resulting file or join rows from two files on matching column values.
  6. Quickly select which columns to extract and in which order.
  7. Extract data from any delimited file by specifying the columns,
    rows and/or filter to apply. Also extract every Nth row or a random number of rows.
  8. Sort any delimited data file based on cell content, or shuffle/randomize all rows.
  9. Remove duplicate rows based on user specified columns.
  10. Bookmark any cell for quick subsequent access.
  1. Open large delimited data files; 100's of MBs or GBs in size!
  2. Open data files up to 2 billion rows and 2 million columns large!
  3. Work with: character delimited, string delimited, fixed column width or just plain text files.
  4. Quickly see all your bookmarks, double-click to jump to any of them or click to rename.
  5. Keep track of long running operations.
  6. Keep track of the current selection.
  7. Scroll to any part of the file or split the view into multiple panes.
  8. Freeze the 1st row of any file.
  9. Open multiple files, move them to tab groups, and quickly switch between the files.
  10. Configure built-in and custom file delimitation rules for automatic parsing of files.