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  • ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2021 v1 - New Perpetual Licenses, 1 Developer License - Includes 1 Year Subscription

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2021 v1 - New Perpetual Licenses, 1 Developer License - Includes 1 Year Subscription

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ComponentOne Studio Enterprise (formerly ComponentOne Studio) is an extensive, flexible collection of performant, extensible .NET UI controls for mobile, web, and desktop. It also includes JavaScript controls with Wijmo Enterprise, Web API and .NET Standard Service Components. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise delivers the latest components, new releases, updates and upgrades, and email and online support for one full year from your date of purchase.

About ComponentOne Studio Enterprise

A complete collection of performant, extensible .NET UI controls for mobile, Web, and desktop.

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise (formerly ComponentOne Studio) is an extensive, flexible collection of performant, extensible .NET UI controls for mobile, web, and desktop. It also includes JavaScript controls with Wijmo Enterprise, Web API and .NET Standard Service Components. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise delivers the latest components, new releases, updates and upgrades, and email and online support for one full year from your date of purchase.

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise includes:

  • ComponentOne Studio Blazor - Use your existing C# programming skills on the server and client with UI controls built natively for Blazor. Includes FlexGrid our best cross-platform data grid, and several input controls including AutoComplete, CheckBox and ComboBox
  • ComponentOne Studio WinForms Edition - Harness the power of desktop applications and deliver top-of-the-line, modern solutions built on a foundation of data, reporting, charts, and input controls.
  • ComponentOne Studio WPF Edition - Embrace elegance and innovation with this complete toolset for desktop development. Lightning-fast grids, stunning 3D charts, and touch optimization will give your applications the edge they need in today's market.
  • ComponentOne Studio ActiveX Edition - Update and maintain your legacy applications with this comprehensive suite of ActiveX controls including True DBGrid and VSFlexGrid. With full support for Visual Basic and Visual C++ 6.0, and migration utilities for updating to 8.0, you'll keep your long-running applications in tip-top shape.
  • ComponentOne Studio UWP Edition - Suite of UWP controls for all Windows 10 devices. Include stunning data visualization, powerful reports, and complete schedulers available on any Windows 10 device. Desktop, tablet, phone, and wearables become one, and you only have to code once.
  • ComponentOne Studio ASP.NET MVC Edition - Build modern, touch-first solutions without compromise. Includes fast, lightweight controls to support any user requirement, all the benefits of MVC's test-driven development, and professional designs on the latest mobile devices and browsers.
  • ComponentOne Studio ASP.NET Web Forms Edition - Develop attractive, interactive, and relevant web applications in Visual Studio. Meet today's business demands and keep your applications relevant with ASP.NET Web Forms Edition’s extensive collection of modern, touch-enabled .NET controls.
  • ComponentOne Studio LightSwitch Edition - Deliver lightning-fast data-based applications sooner than ever for HTML, Desktop, and Cloud Business Apps. This comprehensive collection of plug-and-play charts, grids, gauges, calendars and screen templates for Visual Studio meet your clients’ needs and shorten your to-market development time.
  • ComponentOneStudio for Silverlight - Shorten your development cycle and deliver top-notch web and desktop solutions with ComponentOne Studio Silverlight Edition’s collection of lightweight controls. Fast grids, powerful charts, and professional themes give your users what they need, when they need it.
  • ComponentOne Web API - Import Excel worksheets and export any data management or visualization control to the format of your choice. With this Web API, you can create a pie chart and export it to an image, export your grid to Excel, or import a full Excel file into a FlexGrid.
  • ComponentOne .NET Components for Data Management - Take your data management to the next level by building scalable services that run on any .NET platform. ComponentOne Service Components is a collection of .NET Standard libraries that make working with data easier across any .NET app or service you are building.
  • ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin - Give your users a native experience across mobile platforms. Whether you need a chart for Android, a gauge for Xamarin.Forms, or a datagrid in iOS, Xuni controls help you create enterprise-level apps for all devices using the same API across your platforms.
  • Wijmo - Deliver next-generation HTML5 applications with this collection of true JavaScript controls that doesn't make compromises to support legacy browsers. With touch-first design and full Angular support, these highly performant, lightweight controls will blow you away with their power and flexibility.