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  • DevExpress Reporting 22.2.4 - New Perpetual Licenses Includes 12 months Subscription for minor and major updates

DevExpress Reporting 22.2.4 - New Perpetual Licenses Includes 12 months Subscription for minor and major updates

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SKU CS-DXR-222-1
Status Enabled

.NET Reporting for WinForms, WPF,
ASP.NET, MVC, Blazor and .NET Core

DevExpress Reports is our royalty-free reporting tool and component library for the .NET Framework. DevExpress Reports ship with an intuitive Visual Studio report designer, runtime report designers for WinForms/WPF/Web, and a rich set of report controls, including cross tabs and charts so you and your users can create reports of unmatched elegance and informational clarity.

Now supports .NET Core / .NET 5


Create Reports inside your favourite .NET platform

The long term success of the enterprise is wholly dependent on the accurate exchange of mission-critical information throughout the organization. Demonstrating the impact of individual decisions for management and employees alike demands an intuitive reporting platform, one with exceptional performance and customization options.

DevExpress Reports ship with the fully integrated Visual Studio Report Designer, report wizards, pre-built report templates, and end-user report designers so you can build your best inside your favourite IDE, without limits or compromise.

Our cross-platform drawing engine enhances document rendering quality and PDF export regardless ofplatform (be it .NET Core or .NET Framework) or operating system (Linux or macOS) used to host Reporting apps.

Fully Customizable Report Types

Create Elegant and Easy-to-Read Reports

Use DevExpress Reports to generate a variety of report types - from simple mail-merge, table and vertical reports to master-detail (hierarchical) and cross-tab reports. Leverage our fully integrated .NET report wizards and built-in report templates to create clear, concise and fully formatted documents to address the analytics requirements of your organization.

Royalty-Free Designers

End-User Report Designers for Desktop & Web Apps

Power users demand options and want control over the information they distribute within the enterprise. The need to meet these requirements can be daunting, especially for reports. With its powerful report designers, DevExpress Reporting makes it easy to integrate runtime report customization in your next project. You can create reports with point and click ease and use them in a Windows, Web or Mobile app.

Whether you need a feature-rich Windows designer or prefer to use a 100% web-based tool, the DevExpress Reports Suite includes everything you'll need to empower your users and reduce the number of reports you need to create within Visual Studio.