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BricsCAD BIM - Single Perpetual License, with 1-Year Maintenance

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Real BIM, in .dwg

Go from concept to detailed construction documents in one 3D workflow.           

Why BIM?

We know that there is a better way for you to do BIM.

  • Real conceptual design freedom
  • A smooth transition to detail design
  • Use AI to speed up BIM data collection         

Conceptual Design Tools

Conceptualize your designs in CAD-accurate 3D solids.

Construction Documents

Automatically generate industry-ready 2D documents from your 3D model.

Structural Tools

Represent columns, beams, and other linear elements as smart solids.

HVAC Modeling Tools

Model bends, t-connections and flow terminals using BricsCAD BIM's profile library.

Design Assistance

Automate repetitive tasks with AI-driven tools.

IFC Interoperability

Share your BIM across all the vertical disciplines in the AEC world.

Attach Building Data

Store building materials and compositions in the project database.

Project Collaboration

Collaborate on construction projects in the cloud with Bricsys 24/7.